Sunday, May 13, 2012

The necklace is layered ribbon and the bracelet is a water bottle cut and wrapped in the same ribbon.

Purchased an old vintage necklace and clip on earrings then converted the earrings into and braclet and ring :).
                                                                 Pieces of sea shells

                                               Leather buttons turned into pendant and bracelet.
                                                               Melted plastic plate.
Takeout container+Sharpe=Necklace 
Takeout container used as shrink plastic to make a one of a kind necklace. 
Upcycled Mens Tie 

                                                           Made with coffee stir sticks.
Red Solo cup -punched with stars and put in the oven.

Pony beads with striped ribbon

Water bottle braclet wrapped in ribbon

Colored paper clips gone wild!


Fabric Softner Bottle

Cut into circles

Scrapbook paper

Taadaa - upcycled new necklace!